Why proteins and fats not used as respiratory substrates?

 their RQ value is less than 1......

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bcoz it need a lot of amount of energy to break down the bonds of fats rather than glucose.  bonds of glucose could be easily broken down with less amount of energy .

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As they need more amount of energy to break down and also their RQ value is less than 1.........
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1. More energy(ATP) is utilized in breakdown of bond in protein and fats.
2. Their RQ is less than 1.
3. Their is more utilisation of O?.
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Proteins and fats have to undergo a series of chemical reactions to form simple compound and then only they can enter Krebs Cycle. After forming simple compounds only then they can enter the cycle and help to produce energy which takes a lot of time. Glucose on the other hand can be easily oxidised without any complex or time consuming reactions and also it present in a quite large quantity. Due to above reasons fats and proteins are not used as respiratory substrate and glucose is used.

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