Why Sanskrit has ekvachan, divachan, and bahuvachan??

IIn English, there are only two numbers: singular and plural. In Sanskrit there are three: singular, dual and plural [एकवचन, द्विवचन, बहुवचन]. The noun undergoes appropriate inflexions to indicate the number. Example: फलम्= fruit;  फले= two fruits; फलानि= many (more than two) fruits.

There is no specific reason for the division of number into 3 in sanskrit.

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IIn English, there are only two numbers: singular and plural. In Sanskrit there are three: singular, dual and plural [?????, ???????, ??????].
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Like we have singular and plural in English,we have these three in Sanskrit. Their uses are same. The main reason is to indicate the use of form of verb and pronoun with the word.
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To know the form of verb and the pronoun to be used with them.
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