Why subsistence agriculture has given way to the commercial agriculture? Write in two points.

Dear student,
The subsistence agriculture has given way to the commercial agriculture because of the following reasons:- 
initially the crop production in a particular piece of land was less due to primitive methods of farming and only what could be consumed was produced but with time as the advancements in agriculture give a good amount of production could be taken from that very particular piece of land and hence the access supplies were taken to the nearby market to sell. 
this generated an additional income and gave an idea that agriculture can also be used as commercial method i and if done well it could be used as an additional source of income.
The second reason is that a particular crop is cultivated only on in a particular reason but the need arises everywhere so the crops that were produced in one reason were awarded for the crops of other reason and with time this process started taking place on a large scale hence giving way to commercial agriculture


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