Why. The. Ghost. Told. His. Grief. To. Virgina. Although. He. Had. To scare. The. Otis. Family??and. When. Virigina. Opened. Her. Eyes. Wht. Did. She. Saw?

Dear student,

The ghost told hos grief to Virginia as he found her kind and gentle, unlike her family. He told her how he had been starved to death and had haunted the house ever since. He also confided in her as to how tired he was, not having slept for three hundred years and how he yearned for salvation. Till he found salvation, it was his job to scare the inhabitants of the house. he pleaded with her to pray for her as she was compassionate and kind-hearted.
When Virginia opened her eyes, she saw the wall in the Tapestry Chamber slowly fading away like a mist, and a great black cavern in front of her. A bitter cold wind swept round them, and she felt something pulling at her dress.


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