Why the revolt of 1857 called the first war of independence ?

The historians insist that several other anti-British uprisings in South India had preceded the 1857 revolt, and should be called the First War of Indian independence.
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Because it was the first war that took up..... due to many military , social , political and emotional causes
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Because the india faught a first war
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The revolt started as a sepoy mutiny but soon got the support of all the sections of the society - The zamindars, the ruling class, artisans and the peasants.It was the first armed revolt against the foreign domination
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It was the first war between india & england.
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everyone came together and fought
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Thanks all
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Because it was the first attempt by the Indians to get independence from the British.
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In history it is called first war of indepence because it registered participants of peasants, craftsmen, soliders, artisans, nobel, and rulers.
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Revolt of 1857 is called as the first war of independence Because the 1857 revolt had a way wider scale than those conflicts.British historians called it as Sepoy mutiny and Indian historians called it Revolt of 1857. Hope it helped😊
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