why the the ants are called the tiny teacher??????????

 Because they teaches us hard work, sense of duty and discipline, cleanliness, care for the young ones, and, above all, a firm loyalty to the land where they live.

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 Ants are called  tiny teachers because being small,they teach us many things (For eg: Hardwork and cleanliness)

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they r small but hardworking.

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mohd. Gauri(mughal emporer) was lying on his bed after getting defeated by Prithviraj chauhan and he saw that the aunt was climbing wall but it fell many times but that  aunt never gave up  and climbed the wall after fallin so many times ...this encouraged Gauri to fight again and again ...and after getting defeated 17 times by Prithvi ....the 18th time he won ....THE AUNT WAS AS A TINY TEACHER FOR HIM (NOTICE THAT) 

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Tiny Ants Teach us Great Lessons

What is the connection between the might man and a tiny ant? A vast abysmal gap! Man, the crown of all creations with his great wisdom, is called the ‘Homo Sapiens’. But an ant, a tiny insect too tiny to be seen, is nothing to compare it with a man. Yet Solomon the Great, to whom, “God gave great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sand on the shore,” tells us to go to the ant and learn lessons from it. 

Solomon was not a scientist of a researcher. But he observed the creatures in nature keenly and had learnt a lot. He wanted to reach humanity the great lessons that can be learnt through observation. 

Professor Samuel Haldeman is a scientist and researcher of Pennsylvania University who has been studying ants, eggs, and butterflies for many years. He has revealed many secrets of the ant world. They are really very wonderful and thought-provoking. 

Wonderful lessons that ants teach

1) Spirit of unity
The most interesting factor that attracted Professor Samuel Haldeman is their spirit of unity. The more he studied about it he was more surprised. His mind pondered deep about this unbelievable spirit of unity. If the tiniest insect could have such a devoted spirit of social unity, how much more spirit of unity should a man have! If an ant could be so much united how much spirit of unity should man show in his life!

2) Unselfish unity
Ants have an unbelievable spirit of unselfish unity. If they find out something eatable immediately they pass on the message to others. 

3) Spirit of sharing
The ants share everything they get. They never eat anything alone. They show great interest in sharing. How fast they convey the message to others for sharing. 
But what do we humans do? If we find something immediately we try our best to hoard it in a secret place, unreachable to anybody. Only very few have experienced the taste and pleasure of sharing. 

4) Amazing sense of discipline
The sense of discipline and unity among the ants is really amazing. Without lat mistake they march one after another in a line. How pleasant is their marching sight! Without any dispute or accident they move about in order. 
Think of man’s spirit of division. Everywhere in life he finds loopholes to divide. He is more interested in division than in unity. That is why Jesus Christ said, “If a nation divides itself into groups, that nation cannot stand. If a family divides itself into groups, that family will not survive.”(Mark 3:24-25) That divisive spirit of man made Jesus to pray, “Holy Father, keep them in your Name so that they may be one, just as we are.” (John 17:11)

5) Action in time
The active nature of the ants attracted Solomon very much. That made him rebuke the lazy man saying, “You idler, go to the ant, watch her ways and be wise. She has no master, no steward or overseer. She secures food in summer and stores up provisions during harvest time.”(Proverbs 6: 6-8)
It is a charging scourge on the laziness of man. It is mere negligence of inaction due to laziness that causes many problems. He reminds man to be forewarned and active. 

6) Spirit of saving
The saving spirit of the ants is well-known. Solomon has explained it very clearly. They save for the period when they cannot get food. Economists insist the necessity of saving for future. But the modern trend of life is to waste extravagantly. Without any remorse in their conscience they spend unnecessarily and they amass wealth in unjust ways to spend like this. 

The lessons from these tiny ants are great challenges for modern humanity. The lessons they teach should lead us to enlightenment and unity. They should enable us to handle the resources of nature very seriously.


Thats why they are called TINY TEACHERS

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ANTSare tiny teachers! because of others reasons.
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because they do very hard work like teachers, soldier,cleaner etc and they dig the soil to no one can found in the soil so they dog to soil so they hard work
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lol u are answering in you own post
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sorry not for this post
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the ant is called as the tiny teacher as they teach us discipline, work hard, and loyalty to the land in which they live.
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because they teaches us many things like hard work unity etc
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Because they teach a lot like hardworking, displine, and they are so tiny.
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Ants are called the tiny teachers as they teach us hard work,sense of duty,discipline,cleanliness and care for their young ones
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sense of Duty discipline cleanliness and care of others
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Ants are called tiny teachers because they are tiny and teach us many thing like - do your work intelligently and carefully, never fight to others, etc.
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Ants are called the tiny teachers as they teach us hard work, sense of duty, discipline, cleanliness and care for their young ones.
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