Why variation is important ?? Give 5 point

Importance of Variations:

1. Variations make some individuals better fitted in the struggle for existence.

2. They help the individuals to adapt themselves according to the changing environment.

3. Discontinuous variations produce new traits in the organisms.

4. Variations allow breeders to improve races of useful plants and animals for increased resistance, better yield, quicker growth and lesser input.

5. They constitute the raw material for evolution.

6. Variations give each organism a distinct individuality.

7. Because of variations, species do not remain static. Instead, they are slowly getting modified forming new species with time.

8. Pre-adaptations caused by the presence of neutral variations are extremely useful for survival against sudden changes in environment, e.g., resistance against a new pesticide or antibiotic.

Hope this help you ☺

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Variations are basically for better survival.It leads to slight changes in the characteristics of the organism which makes it a better organism than the pre-existing ones. It plays an important role in maintaining the existence of species. Eg. Consider a group of bacteria residing in a pond, suppose some hot water is discharged into it so if bacterium with variations are also present which have the ability to resist high temperatures, will not be affected but the pre-existing ones with no resistance will eventually die. Here variations resulted in preventing the species of bacteria from being extinct.

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Differentiate eachother and help in survival of the fittest
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Variations protects a population from changing in selective pressures. They allow a population to adapt faster to selective pressures since some of it's population already has a natural head-start. It also protects the population against extremely sudden changes in selective pressures. 

For example, suppose a you had two groups of birds on an island. One group was a single solid brown color. The other had various shades of brown -- from near black to a light tan. Now, assume that the birds in the first group nest/hide in trees of the same brown - giving them some camoflague protection from predators. Those in the second group spend more time in other trees with darker or lighter browns. They aren't as well suited for hiding in one type of tree, but can hide fairly well in a wider variety of trees. However, suddenly their normal trees start dying out -- say pine beatles and drought take out most of the standard brown trees. Suddenly, predators get more easily see the birds and eat them. 

The one shade of brown group is in serious trouble. It doesn't have any members which are light or dark brown to well hide in other trees. Meanwhile the second group (while many of its members might die off) those with light and dark coloring might be able to survive by hiding in other trees. 

Variations in this case provide a hedge against sudden changes in selective pressure.
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mr.sannidhya mate i have been saw that all of your answers are cheated from browser its very shameful that u have do do o earn meritnation point and get best rank on it i thought that meritnation did not expect it from their student.as u know its 10 class of boardd u have to gave answers with ur mind not from net .so,its my opinion that u should not do so.it would be better for u and your board  preparation.plz dont take it seriously
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- It helps in evolution.
- It produces offsprings that can suit in changing environment
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Variations are important for species for their survival.This is because without variation an entire species could be wiped out by a disease, famine, or a sudden unexpected change in the environment.
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bro it is simple ------Genetic variation is essential for natural selection because natural selection can only increase or decrease frequency of alleles that already exist in the population. Genetic variation is caused by: mutation. random mating between organisms.
  • -2
  • They make an organism better fitted to struggle for existence in a particular environment
  • Genetic variation creates a larger pool of traits in a species so that given a novel environment, at least someone would have the trait needed to survive.
  • Genetic variationis advantageous to a population because it enables some individuals to adapt to the environment while maintaining the survival of the population.
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Variation is important for any species because it allows the species to adapt to a changing environment.

Also, the presence of diseases and parasites maintains variation in a species, particularly those associated with blood groups.

The first response of a species confronted with environmental changes, such as climate change, is to shift its range. So a species could move poleward, or to higher altitudes. When that does not work variations help individuals survive in harsher conditions, and adapt to the changes.

A problem at present is that global warming is happening fast and many species have already been reduced to smaller populations. This reduces the available variation, making the species less adaptable. This can also happen if the range gets broken up, and individuals in one area can no longer breed with those in another

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to FU*K hard
  • -5
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