why was king tut's coffin put in the hot sun?

King tut's coffin was put in the hot sun because the researchers were expecting that thritual resins oils, flower petals etc which was put within his coffin to melt down due to hot temprature as after so many years the body was cemented to all these and it was very hard for the researchers to take the body out and examine the body. But this does not work an d finaaly the have to chisel away all the joints of the tut's body.

Hope it helps

  • 31
King tut's coffin was put in the hot sun because the researchers were expecting that thritual resins oils, flower petals etc which was put within his coffin to melt down due to hot temprature as after so many years the body was cemented to all these and it was very hard for the researchers to take the body out and examine the body. But this does not work an d finaaly the have to chisel away all the joints of the tut's body.
  • 6
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