Why was Weimar republic unpopular among Germans

Dear Student

Please find below the solution to your query

1.  The Weimar Republic was not received well by its own people because of the terms it was forced to accept after Germany's defeat after WWI.
2.  The peace treaty at Versailles with the Allies was a harsh and humiliating one due to which Germany lost its overseas colonies, a tenth of its population, 13 % of its territories, 75 % of its iron and 26 % of its coal reserves to France, Poland, Denmark, and Lithuania.
3.  The Allied Powers demilitarised Germany and the War Guilt Clause held Germany responsible for the war and damages the Allied Countries suffered.
4.  Germany was forced to pay compensation amounting to 6 billion pounds.
5.  Many Germans held the new Weimar Republic responsible not only for the defeat in the war but the disgrace at Versailles.
6.  The Weimar constitution had some inherent defects, which made it unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship. One was proportional representation which means achieving a majority by any one party is an impossible task, which led to coalition rule.
7.  Another defect was Article 48, which gave the President powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree.
8. Within its short tenure, the Weimar Republic saw 20 different cabinets lasting by average 239 days, and liberal use of Article 48.  9.  Thus, people lost confidence in the democratic parliamentary system, which seemed to offer no solutions


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The weimer republic unpopular in Germany because of their democratic approach to an imperial form of government . They are not liked by the Germans because they are thought to have been stabbed in the back after agreed to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
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