Why we will not debit expenses in debenture account?

Why we will not debit expenses in debenture account? solve this: Arnapurna asked in Accountancg, 3 weeks ago Solve this: a Company made Ided the Marvh. Cither hy dramng tix required amount on Avril. 2014 March. the cornpan> purehax-d tot 98 and at me transactions In tix Comluny•s I.edget posted 3 weeks ago Dear Student Debenture A/c Cr DateParticuIars AmtDateParticuIars A 2014-15 Ol- Apr6anh A/c. .(more)

   Dear Student

Expense on the purchase of own debenture are added to the cost of purchase of own Debenture, It seems that there was an error in the previous solution i.e Expense on the purchase was missed to be debited in debenture A/c, We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that Expense on the purchase of own debenture shall be added to the cost of Debenture and hence the Profit on cancellation would reduce.

Please get back to us in case of any query

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