will 35Cl and 37 Cl have different valencies ? justify your answer?

@your friends have already answered the question well. Keep it up students. It is a great help to the users of this community.

35Cl and 37Cl will have same valency.

Valency is determined by number of protons or number of electrons. Since the number of protons/electrons are same in both the cases mentioned above, the valencies will be same.

 In the above question , the numbers 35 and 37 signify the mass numbers of same element Chlorine (Cl).

Now, mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons.

Here there is a difference in mass numbers due to different number of neutrons in the respective atoms.

Such atoms of same element having same number of electrons(atomic number) , but different mass numbers are called ISOTOPES. 


  • 4

 No they will have the same Valancy because

We know that, Atomic Mass= No. of Proton+No. of Neutron

And we know that Valancy is depend on No. of Electron.

So the there will be no difference between 35 Cl and 37 Cl.....

Hope you got that.

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In above mentioned it concludes that Atomic mass depends on No. of Protons and No. of Neutrons, While Valancy depends on No. of Electron.

  • 4

no because both hve same no of electrons and protons

valency depend upon electronic configuration and thus no of electrons.

35Cl and 37Cl have different no. of neutrons which have no relation yo electronic configuration of an atom

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