with 80% of dominant hindu population india chose to be a secular country a secular country why?

Becoming secular has nothing to do with the proportion of Hindus in the population. India choose to become secular because it seeks to treat all citizens equally irrespective of their religion. 

  • 5
just because of mahatma Gandhi!
  • -6
to maintain the atmospere of peace and harmony
  • 1
Because had been already divided earlier on the basis of religion .i.e. paritition of India(hindus ,Christians ,sikhs ,jains ,bodhs etc.) and Pakistan (muslims) . And dividing India further will destroy the whole economy of the country and India wil be divided into many pieces.So,it is necessary to make India a secular country .
  • 14
India is a birthplace of many religions. They felt that religious discrimination could take place.
  • 3
Because due to British already India was in lose so it's betterment india' s gov choose to be India a secular state
  • 2
As it is a land of diversity
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