With the help of the poem,please answer this question.
"There are many ups and downs in man's life but one should not lose hope."
Discuss the statement with reference to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,who became the President of India.

This question is from My Mother by APJ Abdul Kalam.

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

Abdul Kalam's life is portrayed through the above poetry. The poem talks about the challenges that he faced as a child and when he was a student. In order to make the ends meet, he had to collect and distribute the newspapers. He had to work tirelessly so that his family could be fed. Thus, the poem is a reminder that one's life comprises of ups and downs. When one is determined not to lose hope, he or she succeeds in life. This is understood from the life of Abdul Kalam who later rose to be the president of our nation.

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Thank you.

  • 12
srry becoz i dont have any syllabus upon this chapter
  • -2
Would love to help but this is not from my Syllabus..
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