Write a article on the topic exams . pls answer soon

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- An exam evaluates the knowledge or skill of a person.
- Exams are conducted during the course of and at the end of each academic session.
- Students prepare for exams so that they score good marks and grades.
- Unnecessary stress is associated with examinations by many students and their parents.
- They just have to realise that regular study is the way to deal with exams.
- Nowadays, formative and summative assessments throughout the year have replaced end-term exams to evaluate a student in a holistic manner over a period of time.

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                                                             ARTICLE ON    
                                                                 BY : XYZ 
In education an examination is a test to show the knowledge and ability of a student. A student who takes an examination is a candidate. The person who decides how well the student has performed is the examiner. An examination may be a written test, an on-screen test or a practical test.. An examination is in itself a learning experience. A student should prepare for an examination by studying the information to be tested. The test should cover the information the student was asked to study. The teacher should review the material before an exam so that it will be fresh in a student's mind. Exercises that review the material to be learned can be questions and answers, crossword puzzles, games, fill in the blank and classroom discussion. Nowadays that is what the classroom is all about, the teacher has the mandate to prepare and make the subject interesting, and cover the topic thoroughly. Her work is hampered by an unruly class and the students lose the opportunity to prepare. The serious student has to prepare by reading, listening and understanding. If the student doesn't absorb the subject easily she must reread, do extra work or ask for help. During the examination a student can grab clues to many answers, a matching section for example has the correct answers, as does a multiple choice, its all in front of her and her memory will be jogged if she has prepared.
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We can know our real knowledge, and exam is just a part of testing the knowledge. Through exam, student knows their knowledge and compare to other students. Some of the students in the world, they have not a chance to know where their knowledge is.

A student will having a war between their class mates because they compete with each other with their knowledge and exam is the ground at their they see who is the best among them. and due to exam, their compete with each other’s  and it might be generate interest and excitement on topic that not interest. And from the exam they can improve their confidence level, and level of knowledge.

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