Write a debate on the topic 'games and sports are a good way of resolving conflicts between countries.

Good afternoon,

Honorable judges, my dear friends and all other excellences, today I Sumeet Singh of class VIII-B stand here you to air my views on the topic 'games and sports are a good way of resolving conflicts'

Games and Sports are a better way of resolving conflicts between countries than wars. As wars bring destruction, make children orphan and wives widows. It kill hundreds Ohh!!! Thousands of people. They also hinder the progress and prosperity of a nation as well as the people of the country. Wars never lead to the solution of the problem but gives way to new wars.

Conflicts can be ended or solved by playing games in a peaceful manner. A soldier never wants to move to war. He wants the wars to be over. They want peace to prevail. They want to finish the war as early as possible and want to go back to their homes and enjoy their whole life with their family in a peaceful manner.

So, conflicts should be ended by playing games. As a game simply decides the winner and the loser, it does not bring destruction like that wars bring.

So, as a result we should never move to war and solve the problems by peaceful solution like playing games and sports.

Thank You..

  • 15
Yes you are right my friend . I have nothing to tell you
  • -2
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