Write a letter to your cousin about your new friend who has joined your school recently in 80-100 words? Urgently... Pleas help me out...

Follow this link ; http:// www.meritnation.com /ask-answer /question /write -a- letter-to-your-friend- describing- your-new- classmate /english /6993950 - Self answered

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Senders address (fill in according to your conformity or as asked in question)
Receivers address (if given in question or according to conformity)

Dear Shreya (can choose any name)
How are you? What have you been up to lately? I have made a new friend, Shekhar, here at XYZ school. He is really nice and joined the school just a few weeks ago. Wish you could meet him, for I think both of you will get along very well. Anyway, he is really brilliant in maths though he lacks a bit in social science. In fact that was our initial reason to get together, for you know how terrible I am at math, but I have always been able to get my head round social science.
Waiting to hear from you,
Your loving cousin,
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