write a letter to your friend congratulating him or her on his recovery from serious illness . value points . Para 1: happy to hear that he or she has been discharged. everyone panicked because of his/her typhoid . now everyone can take a sigh of relief. tell him or her to take care and keep you informed about his or her well being . para 2: Tell your friend to exercise, take medicines regularly and take a proper 8 hours of sleep . you hope to play badminton with your friends soon . paa 3: hop of your friends speedy recovery.

Dear Student, 

Such questions are made for enhancing the self-creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
  • I am glad to know that you have finally recovered from typhoid.
  • Everyone at school was extremely worried about your health after you stopped coming to school.
  • Later, we were informed that you were down with typhoid.
  • Everyone was praying for your health.
  • Now that you have been discharged, we are relieved.
  • I request you to take your medicines regularly so that you regain your strength. 
  • Please exercise regularly.
  • Once you regain your complete strength, we will play badminton again.
  • I am hoping to meet you soon.
Please refer to the website for the latest format.


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