write a report about hundred to 120 words on donating food old clothes boy book essential items during forward period

Dear Student,

​​​​​​Your question is not clear. I am assuming that by forward period you mean flood period. Accordingly, here is the answer:

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer: 
  • A donation campaign was organised in Town Hall, Bhubaneswar to help victims of the  devastating floods of Vishakhapatnam.
  • The campaign was conducted by the NGO Prayas.
  • All kinds of donations were accepted like clothes, cash deposits, food, etc.
  • A noble gentleman donated an amount of Rs 5 lakhs for the victims.
  • The large amount of proceeds collected clearly proved that the campaign was a ragin success.
  • All donations collected would be transferred to the Andhra Pradesh government.
Kindly refer to our website for the latest and appropriate format.

You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your answer. You can also send us your answers here for feedback and required corrections, if any.


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The Importance of Donating Clothes

If you’re working with your kids to help them become more generous and giving individuals, then you’re probably trying to think of different examples of how to do that. Generosity isn’t always the easiest trait to explain, but when you provide examples of generous giving, it gets easier to understand. That’s where explaining the importance of donating clothes comes into play—it’s a small action that can help people understand the beauty of giving. If explaining generosity is important to you, then use clothing donation as your go-to way to explain the benefits of giving. Learn more about the importance of donating clothes so you can best explain how generosity makes an impact!

Helps the Environment

There’s such power in protecting the world you live in. Think about how good it feels when you start gardening, cut your plastic use, or take shorter showers. These are the sort of steps that you can teach your kids to take from a young age. They’ll want to protect the environment if you give them actionable steps to do so.

When they grow out of their clothes as they age, emphasize the importance of donating those clothes to people who might need them more. Explain how that provides more space for other items in landfills and how it reduces the rate and production of other clothes. Now more than ever, it’s important to emphasize protecting the environment, and making clothing donations is a great step to take for any person of any age.

Keeps Your Home Clutter-Free

It may not be the best reasoning to give your child, but if you’re looking for a way to motivate an adult to donate, then this is the way to go. Homes get messy, especially as you spend more time in them. Donating clothes and other home goods ensures that you’re keeping your home clutter-free. Rather than having all those clothes in your closet that you never wear, donating gets rid of them and gives your home the space it needs to breathe!

Aids Those in Need

One of the most important reasons to donate clothes is how many people it helps. It helps those who can’t afford clothes, disaster victims, veterans, and even people with diseases. When you donate to a charity that not only brings the clothes to a thrift shop but then turns that clothing donation into a monetary donation, you’re helping a wide array of people in need.

When you key in on all the different people that your donations help, then that’s an easy way to showcase the power of generosity and giving.

Builds Generosity

Lastly—and this is a big one—donating helps build a vital trait in all people in helping them to become more generous. Rather than living a selfish life, people who donate clothes are taking steps to become less selfish and more keyed in on growing and improving their generous nature. It’s a trait that everyone should have and should work to grow—no matter how old they are.


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1) It’s much better for the environment .
2) It helps people in need .
3) It will give you an ego boost . 

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