write a short note on-

1. snake

2. fish





the body of earth worm is made up many rings end to end. an earthworm does not have bones. it has muscles which help to extend and shorten the body durning movement, the earthworm first extends the front part of the body,keeping the rear portion fixed to the ground. then it fixes the front end and release the rear end. it then shortens the body and pulls the rear end forward. this makes it moves forward by a small distance.reoeating such muscles expansions and contractions, tje earthworm can move through soil. its body secretes aslimy substance to help movement.


the fish makes a jerk and pushes the body forward. a series of such jerks make the fish swim ahead. thie is helped by the fins of the tail. fish also have other fins on their body ehich mainly help to keep the direction,while swimming.


snakes have a long backbone. they have many thin muscles. they are connected to each other even though they are far from one another. muscles also interconnected the backbone,ribs and skin. the snake's body curves into many loops. each loops of the snake gives it a forward push by pressing against the ground .since its long body makes many loops and each loops gives it this push, the snake moves forward very fast and not in a straight line.


The snail moves by creeping on a flat "foot" underneath the body. The band of muscles in the foot contract and expand and this create a kind of rippling movement that pushes the snail forward. The "foot" has a special gland that produces a slimy mucus to make a slippery track. You can often see these silvery tracks in the garden. The slime comes out from the front and hardens when it comes into contact with air. The snail is able to move on very sharp pointed needles, knife, razors and vines without being injured because the mucus-like secretion helps to protect its body.


cockroaches move swiftly with the help of its legs they may,climb on a wall or fly in air to a short distance.

best of luck and please give me a thumbs up.

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sankes have liquid skeletona s aresult they are very flexible!

fishes have gills with which they can breathe underwater!

earthworm can move through soil. its body secretes aslimy substance to help movement.

The snail moves by creeping on a flat "foot" underneath the body

coackroches have three pairs of legs,which helps it to fly in air within a short distance!!!

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Snakes have a flexible backbone and also have scales. They go zig zag.

Fishes tail and head are narrow . the main portion of the body is broader. this shaspe allows fishes to move easily. They have glis, fins having special functions and a flexible backbone. they have a swim bladder that can be filled with water or air and also emptied.. they can move up and down in water.

Snail has a muscular organ called foot. the foot produces a slimy substance called mucous in which the snail crawls. it can move easily on a razor blade without getting hurt.

Earthworm have several parts called segments. it moves by lengthening and shortening these segments. first it extends the front part keeping the rear end fixed to the ground. then it fixes the front part and pulls the rear end.

Cockroaches fly in short place. they see with their anten ae or tentacles= tentacles  they breath with their cerciu.

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the earthworm does not have a skeleton of bones. instead it has liquid trapped in spaces inside he body.its muscles squeeze against the liquidwhich keeps the body firm.earthworms have segmented bodies. it moves its body using sets of muscles which contract and expand the body. it also has stiff hair like projections called setae to grip the ground .


the shell of the snail is is skeleton. the skeleton is present ouside the body and so it is called exoskeleton. it moves by creeping on a flat 'foot' underneath the body. the band of muscles in the foot contract and expand. this creates a rippling movement and moves the snail forward. the flat muscular foot has a special gland secretes slimy mucus to make a slippery track.


cockroaches have six jointed legs and two pairs of wings. the leg mucsles move the legs for walking. the breast muscles move the wings for flying.


fish move by moving thier from side to side in a zigzag manner.this pushes its body forward. to move easily they have streamlined  body . the advanage of this is that it reduces water resistance.


snakes have long backbones. it is very flexible. starting from the neck a snake contracts its muscles , thrusting its body from side to side, creating a series of curves. the movement is helped by body scales.

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The snake body curves into many loops and each loop of snake give it a forward push. Since long body curves into many loops and each loop give it this forward push . That's why snake doesn't move in a straight line.
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They have steamlined body shape. Skeleton of fish is with the strong muscles. Fish also have fins on their body which help them to swim
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The fish makes a jerk and pushes the body forward, a series of such jerks make the fish swim the tail. Fish also have other fins on their body which mainly help to keep the direction.
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Fish - fishes lives in water .fishes r of many types. Snakes - some snakes r poisonous .
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in which school u r in ??? and class???
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How do floating ribs help?
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i would taik about fish-:

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Setae is the locomotary organ of earthworm
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snake :
Snakes are elongated, limbless, flexible reptiles. Their body shape depends on the habitat in which they live. Aquatic snakes usually have a flattened body; those living in trees are long and slender with a prehensile tail while burrowing snakes tend to be compact. Snakes are found in a huge range of colours, from bright to dull. Brightly coloured snakes are usually venomous, their coloration serving as a warning to predators, while dull coloured snakes use their coloration for camouflage. Some snakes mimic the colour and pattern of venomous snakes.
fish :
A fish is an animal which lives and breathes in water. All fish are vertebrates (have a backbone) and most breathe through gills and have fins and scales. Fish make up about half of all known vertebrate species. Fish have been on the earth for more than 500 million years.
earthworm :
The average earthworm is a reddish brown colour, with a pointed posterior and anterior end. Earthworms have long, segmented bodies, covered in microscopic setae, or bristles, which help to anchor and pull the worm via longitudinal muscle contractions.
snail :
The name is most often applied to land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod molluscs. However, the common name snail is also used for most of the members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have a coiled shell that is large enough for the animal to retract completely into.
cockroach :
The cockroach is characterized by a flattened oval body, long threadlike antennae, and a shining black or brown leathery integument. The head is bent downward, and the mouthparts point backward instead of forward or downward as is the case in most other insects.
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24 bones a pair of 12each.7 are true bones and 5 are false bone.true bones means it is attached to back as well as chest bone . Others are only attached to back bone.
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Snake as u know there r so type of snakes like mambas vine snake whip snake cobra and others
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live class
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Chk chk
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What is skeleton
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Snails move like worms by alternating body contractions with stretching, with a proverbially low speed (hence the term snail mail for postal services). They produce a slime in order to aid locomotion by reducing friction. The slime also reduces the snail's risk of injury and helps keep away potentially dangerous insects like ants. In winter some snail species hibernate in their shells by closing the opening with a thin shell-like plate that they build only for this use and destroy in spring. Even some slug species build a shell-like object below their upper skin.

Snails are eaten in several countries of Europe, where they are considered a delicacy.


the body of earth worm is made up many rings end to end. an earthworm does not have bones. it has muscles which help to extend and shorten the body durning movement, the earthworm first extends the front part of the body,keeping the rear portion fixed to the ground. then it fixes the front end and release the rear end. it then shortens the body and pulls the rear end forward. this makes it moves forward by a small distance.reoeating such muscles expansions and contractions, tje earthworm can move through soil. its body secretes aslimy substance to help movement.


the fish makes a jerk and pushes the body forward. a series of such jerks make the fish swim ahead. thie is helped by the fins of the tail. fish also have other fins on their body ehich mainly help to keep the direction,while swimming.


snakes have a long backbone. they have many thin muscles. they are connected to each other even though they are far from one another. muscles also interconnected the backbone,ribs and skin. the snake's body curves into many loops. each loops of the snake gives it a forward push by pressing against the ground .since its long body makes many loops and each loops gives it this push, the snake moves forward very fast and not in a straight line.

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2. Fish
Respiration by gills is called branchial respiration in example - fish
5. Cockroach
Respiratory organ of cockroach- tracheal system
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it is a part of our body
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A long limbless reptile which has no eyelids, a short tail, and jaws that are capable of considerable extension. Some snakes have a venomous bite.
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A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins living wholly in water.
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A burrowing annelid worm that lives in the soil, important in aerating and draining the soil and in burying organic matter.
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A mollusc with a single spiral shell into which the whole body can be withdrawn.
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A scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. Several tropical kinds have become established worldwide as household pests.
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1) Snake : They don't have legs, they can move very fast due their flexibility of their backbone.
2) Fish : they have stream like body, they move by wavelike movement which travel from the head to the tail.
3) Earthworm : The body of an earthworm is made up of ringlike segments , when an earthworm moves the bristles at the rear and hold frimly to the ground
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It's me Nishu Chouhan,Sorry for sending half
4) Snail : Snail have soft body, which they pull back into their shell,they have a large flat foot which helps them move forward.
5) Cockroach : They have a relatively small head and a broad, flattened body, and most species are reddish-brown to dark brown. They have large compound eyes, two ocelli, and long, flexible antennae.
Cockroach has not a short note .
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