Write a short story in 200 ? 250 words, with the of the cues given below. give a suitable title to the story.

satish was standing on the balcony the last rays of the sun. loud and angry voices in the street below distracted attention. he ran down the stairs to see what had happened ? ?? i.neeed my ans as soon as possible in a sheet of paper only also i need suitable title of STORY.ALSO HOW MANY PARAGRAPH WE NEED FOR THIS STORY

Dear Student,

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
  •  Develop an overall summary of the story in your mind. This step is important as it enables you to add the necessary content to convey the idea you have framed.
  • The story can be written completely in narrative format. However, dialogue conversations can also be included.
  • Identify the characters you want in the story. Since it is a story, you can add fictional elements or characters as well.
There is a specific plot structure that most stories follow . The structure involves five basic elements :
1)  Introduction :
The introduction is the start of the story.
Here you can narrate on what Satish witnessed in the streets – it can be a riot or a brutal killing. 

2)  Action :
This part elaborates on the series of events that unfold in the story.
Here you can narrate  how Satish reacted to the riot or murder. The actions he took from his part – it could be informing the police or helping the victim or how he fought from to stop any other injuries.

3)  Climax :
The climax is the peak of action. This is the part that stirs up the strongest emotion in the audience.
 Here you can narrate how Satish is trying to save the day or his efforts to stop the riot. 

4)  Falling Action :
In this part, things start to wind down.
Here you can connect all the threads to end the story. The story can have a positive ending or a tragic ending.
Most of the stories have a positive ending, where the protagonist wins and saves the day. 

5)  Moral :
It is important to conclude a story with a Moral.
In this story, the moral can be how a little action from one person saved a person’s life or stopped the riot. Likewise, the positive effects a group of people can bring on the nation if we stand united.

You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your
answer. You can also send us your answers here for  feedback and required corrections
if any.
The story can be written in 5-6 paragraphs.

  • -8
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