Write a short story on the following

You have been given the opening, the middle and the ending of a story. Use them to complete the story in about 120-150 words. Feel free to introduce characters, incidents and dialogues as necessary.

Opening : An orphan runs away from an orphanage.
Middle : Is nearly caught by police for theft. Rescued and adopted by a kind gentleman.
Ending : He wins '
Best Police Inspector' award from the President. 

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you have been given the opening ,the middle and thd ending of a story .use them to complete the story in about 120-150 words . Feel free to introduce characters, incidentsand dialogues as neceasary. opening :an orphan runs away from an orphanage. middle : is nearly caught by police for theft .rescued and adopted by a kind gentleman . ending :he wins 'Best police inspector' award from the president
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Story of an orphan who runs away from orphanage and caught by police and rescued by a gentleman later he wins best police inspector award
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huni to
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you have been given the opening ,the middle and thd ending of a story .use them to complete the story in about 120-150 words . Feel free to introduce characters, incidentsand dialogues as neceasary. opening :an orphan runs away from an orphanage. middle : is nearly caught by police for theft .rescued and adopted by a kind gentleman . ending :he wins 'Best police inspector' award from the president
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Opening:an orphan run away from an orphan age Middle:is nearly caught by police for theft .rescued and adopted by a kind gentle man Ending:he wins[best police inspector award] from the president
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Story of an Orphan boy who runs away from the orphan and the gentleman
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Once upon a time there was a child, named Mohan. He was an orphan boy. He runs away from an orphanage because the manager of an orphanage was very unkind and cruel. The boy use to do all tasks of an orphanage that he didn't want. He didn't have money to buy food so, he stolen bread from tea shop and run then he was nearly caught by police for theft
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An orphan runs away from an orphanage

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tiger in the house

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An orphan runs away from the orphanage. He is an 13 years old. The boy don't know anything about the society. He faces Soo many difficult situations. He don't even have money to buy food,and he was hungry. Instead of doing work he started to steal the things from others.

One day,he was nearly caught by the police for theft and he was rescued and adopted by a kind gentleman. The gentleman

says the importance of life to the boy and also says stealing the things from others is a bad thing.

The gentleman says to the boy study well and achieve a good position in life and everyone will respect you.

Finally the boy studies well and prepare for IAS exam and he will become a police inspector. He performs his duty in a responsible manner. He wins " POLICE INSPECTOR AWARD" from the president.



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