Write a speech for the morning assembly on the topic ‘Importance of benevolence amongst youth’ (150 words)

Dear student 

The following question tests you creativity and should be attempted on your own. However, here are a few useful hints. 

- Children must learn the value of benevolence and giving, right from an early age. 
- Being benevolent is being charitable. By practising it you are showing that you too are a good human being. 
- Benevolence also has physical and mental benefits. 
- Children who learn to be benevolent are not selfish and learn to help those in need. 
- These children are happier and this promotes good mental health. 
- When they grow up, they learn to become responsible citizens. 
- They learn to help not only those around themselves, but the entire country as a whole. 
- These kind of children show more respect to their elders and do not abandon them when they grow older. 
- Let us raise our children to be model citizens and good role models through the act of benevolence. 


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