Write a story in about 2000 words on the topic

The day sun failed to rise .......
She or he felt for a lock in dark ( related to some kind of trouble or haunted story )...........

The day the sun failed to rise

It had been a long night and Sham was waiting for the morning when he could go to visit his sick grandmother. He had received the news of her hospitalisation late and night and since then he had been waiting restlessly. His mother had told him that they could go only in the morning as the hospital was far away from the village. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 5 a.m, the sun would be up any time now. He got  up from his bed and went to light the candle so that he could wash himself. But the candle was just a small butt and he could not light it. He looked for more candles, but there were none in the small hut. He tried to awaken his mother but she scolded him as it was still dark and she wanted to rest till the sun rose.
Sham peeped out of the window and wondered what had gone wrong? Had the sun forgotten to come to the earth? He decided to go out into the yard and wait there. It seemed ages but the sun was nowhere to be seen. Now Sham was angry as he could not go to the hospital. He went inside to check the watch again and to his amazement, he saw that it was already 7 a.m It was past the usual time for the sun to come. Sham was worried and thought he should go to the village headman to lodge a complaint against the sun. The little boy walked briskly to the headman's house only to find that he was fast asleep as the sun had not risen yet. Sham walked up to the temple to meet the priest but he found the doors locked. Sham's anger knew no bounds and he started shouting and calling out to the sun to come out. He yelled and yelled till his throat was hoarse. 
Finally, he glimpsed the sun rays shining from behind the trees. He was very happy and ran back to his house to inform his mother, who was already awake by then. No one in the village seemed to notice that the sun had arrived late. His mother told him to hurry up as they would be late in reaching the hospital. He asked his mother if she knew the reason why the sun had been late but she laughed at him and said that nature never changes its time. Sham insisted that the sun had come late and his mother pointed out the big clock in the village square that showed 6 a.m. Sham now understood that it was his watch was fast and not the sun that was slow.

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