Write a story that ends with Two friends realized their mistakes and became friends again

Dear Student,

Two friends, Sukhir and Raaghav, went for trekking on their bicycles. They were young and wanted to have lot of fun on this adventure trip. They took all the necessary things with them and started early morning so that they could return back the same day. But after a short while, they lost their way and could not understand where to head. They had no choice so they kept moving forward. After sometime they reached a den. They were not aware that it was a hideout for smugglers. They were caught by the smugglers and were locked in a room. They were scared and were not sure of how they would handle the situation. Both started blaming each other on taking the wrong route and reaching the den. They had a heated argument and broke their friendship. They stopped all conversation. After some time, Sukhbir looked around and saw a window. With the help of Raaghav, he escaped through the window and managed to free himself. Later, he called the police and saved Raaghav. Both of them understood that instead of arguing if they would have immediately looked for a solution, they would have been saved long back. The two friends realized their mistake and became friends again.  

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