write an article on stress management for health and fittness magazine

Such questions are asked to help in building your writing as well as creative skills, hence an attempt at answering them on your own should be made. However, you can incorporate and elaborate upon the points mentioned below to form your own answer:
  • In this fast paced world of ours, it is difficult to not be affected by our surroundings, and that is one of the most primal causes of stress.
  • Be it deadlines that need to be met, profits that need to be made, growing global and corporate culture has infiltrated our lives, and we have seen, ever increasing levels of stress ever since.
  • One needs to learn how to manage stress, as stress is but a gateway, for other diseases and problems.
  • In order to sustain longevity, we need to have better coping mechanisms, and learn a better way to respond to stress.
  • The first step to stress management, is identifying the source of stress, learning how to adapt to it, or avoiding it completely.
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking, smoking etc. should be done away with completely, and instead introducing ways like meditation, exercise, yoga etc. into your life should be a priority.
  • Learning to say 'no', and also expressing your feelings, can also help in alleviating stress.

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