write down 5 pairs of integers whose product is 20

Dear Student,

5 pairs of integer whose product is 20 are1, 20 as 1×20=202,10 as 2×10=204,5 as 4×5=20-1,-20 as -1 × -20=20-2,-10 as -2 ×-10 = 20


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1st pair --> 5 X 4 = 20

2nd pair --> 1 X 20 = 20

Here, the factors of 20 are these much only in integers but in fractions I can give u 3 more pairs

They are,

3rd pair --> 20/20 X 20

4th pair --> 100/20 X 20/5

5th pair --> 4/5 X 25

hope this helps.

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