write the following sentences into indirect
Mr.Verma asked the mechanic,"Is the bike ready".2.My grandmother said,"I slept peacefully last night".
3.The little girl says,"I am reading a delightful story".4.The old women cried,"what a  miserable life it is!"

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  • Mr. Verma asked the mechanic if the bike was ready.
  • My grandmother said that she had slept peacefully the night before.
  • The little girl said that she was reading a delightful story.
  • The old women exclaimed that what a miserable life that was.

  • 2
1.Mr.verma asked the mechanic that is the bike ready
2.My grand mother said that she slept peacefully last night
3.The little girl said that she was reading a delightful story
4.The old women cried that what a miserable it was
  • 1
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