•  write the greatest prime no. less than or equal to the following no. (a)101 (b)67 (c) 78
  • are 27 and 72 co-primes? If not, why?
  • Write the multiples of 17 b/w 100&150.

plz insert the video of co-prime nos. and tell the ans. soon. my formatives are there on monday . so i want the ans. early 


Q1.  (a) the greatest prime no. less than or equal to 101 is 101.

 (b)the greatest prime no. less than or equal to 67 is 67.

 (c) the greatest prime no. less than or equal to 78 is 73.

Q2. 27 and 72 are not co-prime, because they have 9 as their common factor.

Q3. Multiples of 17 between 100 and 150 are 102 (17*6), 119 (17*7), 136 (17*8).

Thanks for letting us know your concern. The topic co-prime numbers is explained very well and a video is not as such required to understand the concept. Although, we have listed your suggestion for future consideration.

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