writing with pen on piece of paper with chalk on blackboard is physical change or chemical change

Dear Student

Please find below the solution for your asked query:
  • Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form a new substance, called chemical synthesis or, alternatively, chemical decomposition into two or more different substances. Now, when we write on a piece of paper with a pen then no chemical reaction occurs & thus no new compound is formed. Hence, it is known as Physical change.
  • Similarly, when chalk is crushed to form chalk powder or it is used for writing on a blackboard then it changes in appearance. So, writing with chalk on a blackboard is a physical change as no chemical reaction is taking place in this case as well. Moreover, if we make a paste of chalk dust and water, and allow it to dry, chalk will be recovered. Chalk and chalk dust has the same properties as chalk is broken into pieces, from chalk dust. Hence, this is also a Physical change
Hope it helps!


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