You are Atish of 5, A.N. Jha Road, Allahabad.Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner about the insanitary conditions of your locality.(in 200 words)

Follow the link for proper format of a letter to a person in a formal setting:

A few things which you might want to include in your letter are:

  • Pollutants from different industries in towns and cities are posing a serious threat to the rivers of our nation. The water has become unsuitable for drinking purposes. The water is not even suitable for growing crops as it is filled with harmful chemicals which are not at all good for the crops. Water pollution also arouses so many various kinds of diseases from the contamination. These also might turn to spread an epidemic.
  • The production of animal products is a major contributor to soil depletion and erosion, extensive pesticide use, air and water pollution, and the rapid destruction of tropical rain forests and other ecosystems.
  • a website where you would get details on global warming which has actually occurred because of the mass level of pollution.

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