you are in helicopter ride group of five on helicopter  crashes in a lonely desert explain the next 48 hours of your adventure in there​


Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- The minute the helicopter lost height, a chill went down our spine!
- We knew the chopper was going to crash.
- The pilot showed great presence of mind and steered the chopper to the side of a sandy dune.
- The loose sand cushioned the fall and we all survived with minor injuries.
- But, surviving in the extreme heat of the remote desert was quite another story!
- We had to ration or meagre supply of water and food.
- The blazing sun and dehydration played tricks with our mind: we started seeing mirages and running in the burning sand, imagining there was a huge pond of water!
- After many such illusions, we refused to charge towards what appeared to be an oasis.
- Imagine our happiness when we realised it was no mirage: there was fresh cool water to quench our thirst, sweet dates  and other goodies too!

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