You are Satish/Shweta. Working in an NGO which is working for the uplift of socio-economic conditions of child labourers by counselling their parents and helping children to go to school. You find it appalling that many people in educated society want the practice of child labour to continue. Write an article on the “Role of Educated Society in Curbing Child Labour”. (150– 200 words.)

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- Child labour is employment of children in a job that denies them their childhood, leads to exploitation or discrimination.
- There are many laws banning child labour, but the implementation of those laws is very poor.
- Many children are employed in factories that manufacture crackers, carpets, 'bidis', etc.
- Many kids work as ragpickers or are employed as domestic help.
- They are often over-worked, under-paid and ill-treated.
- They do not get proper education and miss out on better employment opportunities later in life.
- As aware and alert citizens, it is our duty to report any such cases of child labour.
- Some countries have banned the import of products manufactured by companies that employ child labour.
- Similarly, we must not employ underage children in our homes and offices.
- We can sponsor the education of a street child to rescue him from the clutches of child labour.
- The government needs to do more to rehabilitate and educate them.  

  • 3
I think articles cannot be posted you can see it in google.
  • -3
writing section development is important to score you better marks in exams
so try to attempt on your own using your imagination and creativity
all the best...
  • 2
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