you are Saurabh / Surbhi of class 11th of Pathways School l,Gurgaon. you are aware that present day youth is equipped with the knowledge and information besides having energy and enthusiasm .write a letter in about 120-150 words to the editor of the national daily on how their energy can be tapped in removing Poverty from India.

I don't know

  • -16
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting how their energy can be kept into removing poverty from India
  • -1
Dono hi haddi lag rahe ho
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You are saurabh /surabhi of class 12 at BSN school Gurgaon. You are aware that the present day youth are equipped with knowledge and information beside having energy and enthusiasm .write a letter to editor of national daily highlighting how their energy can be tapped into removing poverty from India
  • -3
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