you are shocked to see the way the girls are treated in our society write a diary entry

you are shocked to see the way the girls are treated in our society write a diary entry are shocked to See the way the girls are treated in our society. Write a diary entri_ You can take help of the following clues: • boys given importance over girls • in most of the families girls not even sent to school • many parents kill the girls before they are born. etc.

Dear Student.
Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer:
  • Boys are always given more importance than girls.
  • There are some occupations that are seen fit for boys only.
  • Boys are prepared from early childhood to be the provider of the family.
  • Girls are prepared to cook food from a small age.
  • Many people don't even send their girls to school.
  • Many people abort the girl child before she even takes birth.
We hope that this answer solves your query. Kindly check the format of diary entry from our website.

  • -3
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