You go to your friend kriti house to borrow his or her camera for a couple of days since. kriti is away to the market leave a message him or her requesting to send you the camera through his or her brother write a message

Dear Student.
Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer:
  • Hey Kirti. I just stopped by at your house. 
  • I wanted your camera for a couple of days.
  • Since you were not there I have left this message.
  • As I am busy with a lot of packing and stuff, can you please send your brother with the camera later.
  • I'll definitely return it to you after two days.
We hope that this answer solves your query. Kindly check the format of message from our website.

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