You want to research on the popularity of Vegetable Atta Noodles among children. Design a suitable questionnaire for collecting this information.


Popularity of Vegetable Atta Noodles


Name ………………………… Age …………………….

Address ……………………… Sex: Male          Female           


1.         Do you like Vegetable Atta Noodles?

            (a)        Yes                       (b)        No      


2.         Do you find this reasonable?

            (a)        Yes                       (b)        No      


3.         How many packets do you consume in a month?

            (a)        1 – 2 Packets                                     

            (b)        2 – 3 Packets                                     

            (c)        3 – 6 Packets                                     

            (d)       More than 6 packets                        


4.         Do you prefer Atta noodles over Maida noodles?

            (a)        Yes                       (b)        No      


5.         Which Vegetables according to you should be added in present Atta noodles?




6.         Do you think it should be spicier?

            (a)        Yes                       (b)        No      


7.         At what time of the day do you prefer the Atta noodles the most?

            (a)        Day                                                     

            (b)        Afternoon                                         

            (c)        Evening                                             

            (d)       Night                                                  


8.         Do your parents accompany you while having noodles?

            (a)        Yes                       (b)        No      



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