You went to your Aunt Mary's house for her blessings on your birthday. She asked you to do one good thing every day. The next day when you were going to school you helped an old woman. Write a story how you helped an old women when you remmembered your aunt's advice.

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It was the time of yesterday's bright morning when i was going to school from the way along the fields where farming were spraying medicines on their crops and on other , the rotating buzzles were sprinkling water here and there in the fieds , I was very happy at that time . And then i marched toward my school . I got amazed that sudenly it started the rain on over me .I tried to go at a safe place where i could stay after the rain got over.

Then , the climate got terrible and i got frightened and suddenly i saw an old women who gotslipped in the middle of the road . She shouted loudly," Aw! Someone , please help me !". I felt insulted at that time all the traffic didn't even look at her . And then , i ran fastly towards the od lady and kept thing in my mind which you told aunt Marry . I gave my hands to the lady and she kept my shoulders and standed up .And when i told her to come in the shelter , then he appreciated me and gave blessings to me ," May you live long , My son !" .

At that time , i felt something stange that was happended once in my life because i saved the life of an aold woman . It was because of you Aunt Marry , you taught me good things .Thanks .

  • 18

thankyou so much! it helped me a lot :)

  • 5
hi Nivedita,
it must be answered on your own but I'll give the points for framing your answer:-
* I saw an old woman bent with age.
*she wanted to cross the road but was unable to do so due to oncoming speeding traffic.
*I went to her and helped her to cross the road.
*She gave me her blessings.
*It felt wonderful and my aunt's words rang true in my ears.

Thank you. hope It'll help you...
  • 6
Mary went to her aunt house for her blessings on her birthday. Aunt asked her to do one good thing every day………
  • -1
you went to your aunt house for her blessings on your birthday . she asked you to one good thing every day . the next day when you were going to your school you helped an old women .write a story how you hepled an old women when you remembered your aunt's advice
  • 2
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