Your younger brother aged5 hasbeen missing for last 3days Draft anadvertisemement for missing perpus

Answer this question

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A boy named xx is lost. he is my younger brother aged 5 years old he is wearing a white shirt and blue shorts and was carrying a school boy when seen last. He speaks Hindi and English. If anyone get any information about xx then please inform us an the given number 9811xxxxxx. A suitable reward of 50000 Rs will be given to whom who inform us.

Contact xx
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This answer is not same as you asked the question you have only to change the name and other things ... it will write like this

-Lost ! Lost ! Lost !

13 sep 2019

A boy named X is lost. He is my younger brother aged 5 years.on 5 sep. he had gone to school but not come back home. We also inform the police security. If anyone get any information about X then please inform us on the given number 9876xxxxxx . A suitable reward of 50000 Rs will be given to whom who inform us.

Marconi street

15 A nai maidan

((Change the names and other things))
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