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Board Paper of Class 10 2016 English (SET 2) - Solutions

General Instructions :
(i) The question paper is divided into three sections :
Section A : Reading 20 marks
Section B : Writing & Grammar 25 marks
Section C : Literature 25 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order:

  • Question 1
    Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    If you are addicted to coffee, and doctors warn you to quit the habit, don’t worry and just keep relishing the beverage, because it’s not that bad after all! In fact, according to a new study, the steaming cup of Java can beat fruits and vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in American diet, and both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide similar antioxidant levels.
    Antioxidants in general have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against heart diseases and cancer, but Vinson, a dietitian said that their benefits ultimately depend on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body. The research says that coffee outranks popular antioxidant sources like tea, milk, chocolate and cranberries. Of all the foods and beverages studied, dates actually have the most antioxidants based solely on serving size, but since dates are not consumed anywhere near the level of coffee, the drink comes as the top source of antioxidants, Vinson said.
    Besides keeping you alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health benefits, including protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease, according to some recently published studies.
    The researchers, however, advise that one should consume coffee in moderation, because it can make you jittery and cause stomach pains.

    (a) What do doctors advise us about the habit of drinking coffee?
    (b) What are the two versions of coffee that are drunk in America?
    (c) State any two benefits of antioxidants.
    (d) What does Vinson say about the consumption of antioxidants?
    (e) Name any two popular sources of antioxidants.
    (f) How does coffee outrank dates in the level of antioxidants?
    (g) Mention any two benefits of coffee.
    (h) What do researchers warn us about the excessive use of coffee? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 2
    Read the following passage carefully:

    Gandhiji As a Fund Raiser

    Gandhiji was an incurable and irrestible fund raiser. He found special relish in getting jewellery from women. Ranibala of Burdwan was ten years old. One day she was playing with Gandhiji. He explained to her that her bangles were too heavy for her delicate little wrists. She removed the bangles and gave them away to Gandhiji.
    He used to talk jokingly to small girls and created distaste for ornaments and created a desire in them to part with the jewellery for the sake of the poor. He motivated them to donate their jewellery for social usage.
    Kasturbai didn’t appreciate this habit of Gandhiji. Once she stated calmly, ‘You don’t wear jewels, it is easy for you to get around the boys. But what about our daughters-in-law ? They would surely want them.
    “Well!” Gandhiji put in mildly, "our children are young and when they grow up they will not surely choose wives who are found of wearing jewellery.” Kasturbai was very upset with the answer.
    Gandhiji was determined to keep the jewels to raise community fund. He was of the opinion that a public worker should accept no costly gifts. He believed that he should not own anything costly, whether given or earned. Kasturbai was a female with a desire to adorn. But Gandhiji moved towards renunciation and donated every penny earned in South Africa to the trustees for the service of South African Indians.
    2.1 Answer the questions given below:
    (a) How did Gandhiji create a distaste for jewellery in Ranibala?
    (b) What was Kasturbai’s apprehension about their daughters-in-law?
    (c) What solution did Gandhiji suggest for the problem posed by Kasturbai?
    (d) How did Gandhiji serve the community?
    2.2 Find meanings of the words given below from the options that follow:
    (e) incurable (para 1)
    (i) unreliable
    (ii) untreatable
    (iii) disagreeable
    (iv) unbeatable
    (f) motivated (para 2)
    (i) encouraged
    (ii) emboldened
    (iii) incited
    (iv) softened
    (g) upset (para 4)
    (i) puzzled
    (ii) furious
    (iii) confused
    (iv) distressed
    (h) renunciation (para 5)
    (i) giving up
    (ii) disagreement
    (iii) opposition
    (iv) termination

  • Question 3
    Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in your area are littered with garbage. Not only the place is stinking but also is a health hazard. As Miki/Manish of 112, Laxmi Nagar, write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper informing the concerned authorities of the unhygienic conditions and requesting them to take appropriate and necessary action in the matter.

    A civilised and well groomed personality has a positive impact on others. Write an article in 100-120 words for your school magazine on the importance of education in personality development. You are Mike/Manish. VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 4
    Complete the following story in 150-200 words. The beginning of the story is given below:
    On my way to school I usually see a beggar on the roadside. Yesterday on my way back, I did not see him there. Walking further I saw limping slowly. Out of idle curiosity I followed him. Soon I found ……..

    It was a Sunday afternoon. We had gone for a picnic to a park. Suddenly I found that my seven year old sister was missing from the group. We went in search of her in the woods and …… VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 5
    Complete the paragraph given below with the help of options that follow :

    The Vichitra Veena as (a) ________ name suggests (b) _________ a rate instrument and there are not (c) _________ artistes who can play this instrument.

    (a) (i) a
    (ii) an

    (iii) the

    (iv) some

    (b) (i) is
    (ii) am

    (iii) are

    (iv) have been

    (c) (i) much
    (ii) many

    (iii) more

    (iv) who

  • Question 6
    The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the error and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.
      Error Correction
    Research is an detailed study of a e.g. an  a _________
    subject undertaking on a systematic (a) _________    _________
    basis in order to increase a stock of (b) _________    _________
    knowledge, including knowledge for man, (c) _________    _________
    culture and society, that the use of this stock (d) _________    _________
    of knowledge to devise new applications.     

  • Question 7
    Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences.

    One example is given below :

    in/the highest/India has/population/livestock/the world.

    India has the highest livestock population in the world.

    (a) is/of milk/the country/also/producer/the highest

    (b) is staring/but/at a/major/it/crisis/fodder

    (c) due to/pressure/of/it/is/growing/population on land VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 8
    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

    These meadows aren't worth much to me. They only come to five dessiatins, and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but I can't stand unfairness. Say what you will, I can't stand unfairness.

    (a) Who speaks the above lines and to whom?

    (b) How much are the meadows worth?

    (c) Find a word in the extract the means 'not based on what is just.'

    I even considered fleeing to my hometown, where I could have been a real lawyer right away, without going through this unpleasant training period.

    (a) Who is 'I'?

    (b) How did 'I' suffer during the training period?

    (c) What does the word, 'fleeing' mean? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 9
    Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:
    (a) How did Valli react when she saw the dead cow by the roadside?
    (b) What legends are associated with the origin of tea?
    (c) Why does Noodle tell Think-Tank about the books?
    (d) Why did Matilda not want to see her rich friends? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 10
    Answer the following question in 80-100 words:

    “The life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain ….” With this statement of the Buddha, find out the moral value that Kisa Gotami learnt after the death of her child.


    “Don’t you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I will serve you and mother”. Through this statement the narrator wants to highlight the moral values Bholi was imbued with. Based on the reading of the lesson, what made Bholi aware of her rights and how did she use them? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 11
    Answer the following in 150-200 words :

    Anne Frank's statement, "What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does reflects on all Jews" presents not only hatred for the Jews but also their pitiable condition in the world. Comment.

    Anne's mother never showed her interest in Anne Frank and remained indifferent to her. Describe the character of Anne's mother, Edith Frank in the light of this remark.

    How did a story book, 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' open a window of knowledge to Helen and help to shape her career?

    Helen's statement, "We worked hard and faithfully, yet we did not quite reach our goal" tells us about her failure to achieve the goal at the Wright-Humason School in New York City. What was the goal that she failed to achieve there? VIEW SOLUTION
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