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Story Composition

God is Merciful

Your friend was writing a story in order to participate in 'National Story Writing Competition'. She started writing a story on 'God is Merciful' but fell ill. Complete her story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the beginning provided below.

'Once upon a time, there was a king and he had a beautiful garden. He had employed a gardener for its maintenance.'

Once upon a time, there was a king and he had a beautiful garden. He employed a new gardener for its maintenance. The gardener grew several fruits, vegetables and flowers in that garden. Every day, he would collect a few ripe fruits in a basket. He used to present this basket to the king at the time of the royal court session.

One day, the gardener collected some berries and presented them to the king. The king was very upset that day. He tasted the berries and they were sour. This agitated the king and he threw all the berries at the gardener. The berries hit the gardener on the head but he said, “God is merciful!”

The king asked, “You must be hurt and humiliated. Why did you say 'God is merciful'?”

The gardener replied, “I was about to bring …

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