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Data Handling

  • Mean of data sets

Mean or average of a data is given by the formula,

Mean =


    • Mean always lies between the highest and lowest observations of the data.
    • It is not necessary that mean is any one of the observations of the data.

1. If the mean of n observations x1,x2,x3....xn is x¯ then x1-x¯+x2-x¯+x3-x¯+...+xn-x¯=0.
2. If the mean of n observations x1,x2,x3....xn is x¯ then the mean of x1+p, x2+p, x3+p, ..., xn+p is (x¯ + p).
3. If the mean of n observations x1,x2,x3....xn is x¯ then the mean of x1-p, x2-p, x3-p, ..., xn-p is (x¯ − p)…

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