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    How to find the smallest 4 digit number which is divisible by 18,24,32.

    Find the LCM of 18, 24 and 32. It turns out to be 288.

    Find out the smallest four digit number divisible by 288.

    288 x 3 = 864

    288 x 4 = 1152

    Since 288 is divisible by 18, 24 and 32, 1152 will also be divisible by the three numbers.

    Hence 1152 is the smallest four digit no. divisible by 18, 24 and 32.


    • 35
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    1152 is the smallest four digit no

    • 1

     Ok!iwanted the answers for the least 4 digit no divisible by 18,24,36. I have taken out the lcm of all three and also the least 4 digit no is 1000.  So what is the next step for this question......?? 

    • -7

    18 = 1008

    24 = 1008

    32 = 1024

    • -10