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    name some human activities that pollute water and degrade land.suggest two measure to prevent pollution and degradation.

    Human activities that pollute water are:

    a. Dumping of industrial waste.

    b. Oil spillage

    c. Domestic sewage discharged in water bodies.

    d. Throwing of plastics in the river, bathing animals .

     Land degradation takes place due to following:

    i Excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides.

    ii. Over grazing, deforestation

    iii. Deforestation

    iv.Over irrigation increases the salt deposits in the soil

     Measures to prevent water pollution :

    a. Factories and industries must be built away from water bodies.

    b. We must avoid throwing garbage, bathing animals in the water bodies.

    Measures to prevent land degradation are:

    a. Regulate the use of fertilizers.

    b. Encourage afforestation growing more trees.

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