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    what is natural calamities????

     Natural calamity are extreme sudden events caused by nature that effects the enviroment. It may injure people and damage property.Earthquake , flood ,hurricane tuare some examplesof natural calamity.

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    1. A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes.
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    •   earth  quake  is  an  natural disaster  .
    • during  the  earthquake  the  earth  starts  shaking  and  trembling  .  As  a  result  there  is  huge  loss  of  proprerties  and  life .
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    What is the difference between a scanner and a printer
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    Natural calamities? I think i forgot
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    the problems that happen in the nature that causes lot of damage and even take peoples life they are called natural calamities or natural forces
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    Natural calameties are those which r natural not artificial. Made by God. Examples of natural calemitie- Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, Volcano. etc. 

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    How can people help in natural calamitie?

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    natural calamities are the disarsters which occor by itself eg hurricanes,flods,volcanic erruption,flood drought etc.

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     Natural calamity are extreme sudden events caused by nature that effects the enviroment. It may injure people and damage property.Earthquake , flood ,hurricane tuare some examplesof natural calamity

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    Natural calamities ar example Earthquake,Landskide and etc.They are very danerous they can kill so many people and we can lose our property,family members and our lives.

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    Natural calamity: A natural calamity refers to hazards for example flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, heatwave, or landslide. They can lead to financial, environmental or human losses

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    the clamity that can occure due to nature that is called natural  clamity you can write example with yours
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     Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, fires, spontaneous tree limbs falling, winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms... 
    Natural calamities are occurences, events or phenomenon that happen in nature of their own accord.Or because of man(the use of celltowers,vehicles also cause damage to air)so these may occur

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     A natural clamity is sudden event that cause great damage and injuries . 

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    natural climates are the diasaster that harm us. different examples are earthquakes,flood etc.
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    it is a sudden disatorous event
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