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    " Potential" in a Latin word means "to be able".Potential energy is a energy possed by a body by virture of its position with reference to the earth.

    As the body gains height its potential energy increases.It means that the energy is inactive at the moment but has the potential for doing work.

    The stored up energy which has the potential to do work is called potential energy.

    example: If we bend a branch of a tree and let it go it gets back to its original position.Displacement occured both when the branch was pulled down and alsowhen it went back to its place.Hence,work was donein both cases.Force is applied for bending a branch.That is why it was displaced.The branch could go back to its position when you let it go back to its position when you let it go , because energy was stored in it.

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    Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of it's position. It is found in static objects. 

    As the body of an object gains height it's potential energy increases.

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    potential energy of a body is the energy possessed by the virtue of its motion.

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    The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.

    In  physics potential energy  is the energy of an object or a system due to the position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system. [1]  The  SI unit  for measuring work and energy is the  Joule  (symbol J).

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    the energy of a body has die to its motion or condition is called potential energy. Ex suppose water is stored above the ground it has potential energy because of the conditionor height. Remember a energy can be potential if both motion or condition is there.

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    Potential energy is the energy possessed by a object in the state of rest

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    The energy possessed by a body due to its configuration or posiion 

    Hope this helps you

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    The energy of a body due to its position or change in shape is known as potential energy.


    SI unit=joule

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    the energy stored in an body due to it's position is known as potential energy

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    A body possesses potential energy by virtue of its configuration or posit

    • potential energy possessed by a body by virtue of its   configuration   is known as   elastic   potential energy
    • potential energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position with respect to the ground is known as   gravitational potential energy.

    potential energy stored in a body is directly proportional to its height with respect to zero level.

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    the energy possed by a body by virtue of its position is called potential energy

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    the energy possed by a body due to it's position or due to its deformed state is called potential energy 

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