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    What is the importance of Himalayas?

    stop the northern cold winds,vegetation,

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    The Himalayas play a very significant role in influencing the climate of India. By virtue of their high altitude, lenght and direction they effectively intercept the summer monsoons coming from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea and cause precipitation in the form of rain and snow.
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    It gives us cold winds
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    it stands as a shield against the other enemies of india.it is beleived as the place of meditation of the great pavana hanuman

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    many rivers orignating from these mountains provide water almost throughout the year

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     What is the importance of Himalya inmonsoon in security?

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    to stop the northern cold winds,vegetation,

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    the importance of himalayas are that it does'nt let the cold winds to pass through and it gives water for irrigation and for other purposes

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    the importance of Himalyas are:-

    they do not permit hot or cold winds to enter their area .rivers orignatting from these mountains provide water almost throughout the year .The slopes of many mountains have rich Grassland and forests .some mountains provide stones which are used to make roads and buildings .
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