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    write a short  paragraph on the need to protect wildlife


    In this beautiful planet "EARTH", it is the

    duty of the human to maintain the ecosystem. But this does not give the

    power to rule over other living beings. We all know that, living beings are

    composed of living matters and these are sensitive. For example, we are

    sensitive to touch, we can smell, distinguish colors. Just think about this. No

    one in this world like to suffer the pain. It is also the case of animals and

    other living creatures. They all need to stay alive and have to taste the

    "FREEDOM". If we are put in a cage, and do not have freedom, what will be

    our feeling. We will be surely pained. This is same to all living creatures.

    They also suffer pain,in some situations they are suffered more what we


    So all the living creatures are to be looked and

    carefully maintained. This is the duty of the Humans. Humans are special

    creatures. They can think, have more complex body design, have four

    hampered heart, can speak, can cry out when pained, may have revenge

    etc.. Human brain is the most powerful weapon. The technology, which is

    brought up by human brain, should also work for other living creatures.

    Hunting, poaching etc. reduced the number of animals. Some are extincted

    due to human activities. Over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of

    flora are found in India so far. Of the estimated 47,000 plant species, about

    15,000 flowering species are endemic to India. Some estimates suggest that

    at least 10 per cent of India's recorded wild flora and 20 per cent of its

    mammals are on the threatened list. Some of them are Cheetah, pink-headed

    duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet and plants like madhuca insignis

    and hubbardia heptaneuron.

    This beautiful planet should be protected. The species

    which are at verge of extinction should be carefully preserved and the

    deforestation level should be reduced to some extent. Let us have a look at

    these problems about this.


    Save Animals and Wild creatures

    • 16
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    Wildlife is a vital part of our ecosystem. Wildlife includes all animals and other organisms. Many animals are in the danger of extinction and strongly need to be saved. Animals add to the natural beauty of the earth. Humans’ activities become a big threat to the animals. Hunting and fishing is a sport or recreation for some people. Animals get killed indiscriminately. Some people kill animals for making profits by selling their skins, meat etc. Poaching is done in some of the areas. Elephants are killed for their ivory, alligators for their skin, birds for their feathers, furs, hens for their meat. The list is non ending. Hunting of animals is not just a cruelty done to the animals but also a shameful thing. By doing this, we make loss of ourselves too. Deforestation is also one of the major causes of their extinction. As the trees are cut for fuel, timber, wood, paper, thus the forest area is getting diminished
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    Short Essay on Wild Life Protection – Wildlife is important for human life because it is the animals and the ecology that sustain life on the planet. India has had a very rich wildlife thriving in green and lush forests.However, of late there has been a steep decline in the flora and fauna of the nation houses. A number of animals and birds are either extinct or steadily on the way to extinction.This has been a cause of deep concern. Comprehensive measures are needed to check the degeneration of forests before it is too late. The State laws have proved to be ineffective in this regard. Parliament, therefore, found an urgent need for a Central legislation and enacted the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.

    • 3

    carefully maintained. This is the duty of the Humans. Humans are special

    creatures. They can think, have more complex body design, have four

    hampered heart, can speak, can cry out when pained, may have revenge

    etc.. Human brain is the most powerful weapon. The technology, which is

    brought up by human brain, should also work for other living creatures.

    Hunting, poaching etc. reduced the number of animals. Some are extincted

    due to human activities. Over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of

    flora are found in India so far. Of the estimated 47,000 plant species, about

    15,000 flowering species are endemic to India. Some estimates suggest that

    at least 10 per cent of India 's recorded wild flora and 20 per cent of its

    mammals are on the threatened list. Some of them are Cheetah, pink-headed

    duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet and plants like madhuca insignis

    and hubbardia heptaneuron.

    This beautiful planet should be protected. The species

    which are at verge of extinction should be carefully preserved and the

    deforestation level should be reduced to some extent. Let us have a look at

    these problems about this.


    Save Animals and Wild creatures

    • 3
    Like forests, wildlife is also a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial from economic, recreational and aesthetic points of view. There was a time when human interference was minimum the number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation. But, with the expansion of agriculture, settlement, industrial and other developmental activities and mainly due to greed of man, the number of wild animals gradually became lesser and lesser. With the result that several species of animals have become extinct and several, others are on the verge of being so.

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    We have to protect the wildlife as it is important for vegetation and is home for many animals
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    Polar bear and penguins live in polar regions. They are snow-covered regions having an extremely cold climate throughout the year. The sun does not set in this region for six months during summer, while it does not rise during the six months of winter. The temperature can drop to –37°C in this region. Adaptations in polar bear Polar bears have a white fur, which allows them to blend in with their sorroundings. It also helps them in catching their prey. They have two thick layers of fur, which protect them from the extreme cold of the Polar Region. They have a layer of fat under their skin, which keeps them well insulated. They move slowly and rest often while moving from one place to another to avoid overheating their bodies. On warm days, they keep themselves cool by swimming. Their paws are wide and large, which helps them in swimming. Their paws also help them walk on snow. They have the ability to close their nostrils while swimming under water. This helps them stay under water for a longer period of time. They have a strong sense of smell, which helps them locate their prey easily. Adaptations in penguin They have a thick layer of fat under their skin to keep them warm. They sometimes huddle together to protect themselves from cold. They have a streamlined body with webbed feet. These are the features that help them swim. They are excellent swimmers
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    Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting endangered plant and animal species and their habitats . Among the goals of wildlife conservation are to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and to recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness lands to humans. [1] Many nations have government agencies dedicated to wildlife conservation, which help to implement policies designed to protect wildlife. Numerous independent nonprofit organizations also promote various wildlife conservation causes. [2]

    Wildlife conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of human activity on wildlife . The science of [ of extinction. An endangered species is defined as a population of a living being that is at the danger of becoming extinct because of several reasons. Either they are few in number or are threatened by the varying environmental or predation parameters. The endangered species in India have been identified by different national and international organisations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the Wildlife Institute of India (WII).

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    The protection of wild flora and fauna in forested areas from extinction is known as wildlife conservation . It refers to conserving the population of all the unique plants and animals in an ecosystem . Wildlife conservation has become extremely important in recent years due to human activities.
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    we should protect animals and save them for the futere generation because animals are helpful in many ways.Cows give milk sheep give wool and so on.We should not kill animals for there skin.
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    In this beautiful planet "EARTH", it is the

    duty of the human to maintain the ecosystem. But this does not give the

    power to rule over other living beings. We all know that, living beings are

    composed of living matters and these are sensitive. For example, we are

    sensitive to touch, we can smell, distinguish colors. Just think about this. No

    one in this world like to suffer the pain. It is also the case of animals and

    other living creatures. They all need to stay alive and have to taste the

    "FREEDOM". If we are put in a cage, and do not have freedom, what will be

    our feeling. We will be surely pained. This is same to all living creatures.

    They also suffer pain,in some situations they are suffered more what we


    So all the living creatures are to be looked and

    carefully maintained. This is the duty of the Humans. Humans are special

    creatures. They can think, have more complex body design, have four

    hampered heart, can speak, can cry out when pained, may have revenge

    etc.. Human brain is the most powerful weapon. The technology, which is

    brought up by human brain, should also work for other living creatures.

    Hunting, poaching etc. reduced the number of animals. Some are extincted

    due to human activities. Over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of

    flora are found in India so far. Of the estimated 47,000 plant species, about

    15,000 flowering species are endemic to India. Some estimates suggest that

    at least 10 per cent of India's recorded wild flora and 20 per cent of its

    mammals are on the threatened list. Some of them are Cheetah, pink-headed

    duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet and plants like madhuca insignis

    and hubbardia heptaneuron.

    This beautiful planet should be protected. The species

    which are at verge of extinction should be carefully preserved and the

    deforestation level should be reduced to some extent. Let us have a look at

    these problems about this.


    Save Animals and Wild creatures

    • 1
    Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitat. Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the ecosystem and provides stability to different natural processes of nature like rainfall(transpiration from plant),changing of temperature(heat evolution by animals),fertility of soil(making of manure by earthworm). The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and also to recognise the importance of wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species alike.
                                                                              Wildlife conservation has become increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of human activity on wildlife. Fewer natural wildlife habitat areas remain each year. Moreover, the habitat that remains has often been degraded to bear little resemblance to the wild areas which existed in the past. We shouldn't endanger our wildlife. We should save it from dangers.
                                                                     THANK YOU
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    Related image
    Wildlife' is a term that refers to animals that are not normally domesticated. They are a living resource that will die and be replaced by others of their kind. Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment and provides stability to different natural processes of nature. It can be found in all ecosystems, desert, rainforests, plains and other areas. India's wildlife is both rich and varied, it includes all flora and fauna, animals, plants and macro organisms.
    Wildlife is important for its beauty, economic, scientific and survival value. It helps to maintain the ecological balance of nature and maintains the food chain. It provides useful substances and wild animal products like ivory, leather, honey, tusk etc. Besides being a country's cultural asset it also provides aesthetic value to man. We largely depend on wildlife for every elementary requirement in our life eg. the clothes we wear and the medicines we consume. Wildlife conservation encompasses all human activities and efforts directed to preserve wild animal from extinction it involves both protection and scientific management of wild species. Wildlife and nature have largely being associated which humans for numerous emotional and social reasons. Wildlife plays an essential role in the ecological and biological processes that are yet again significant to life. The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interaction among animals, plants and micro organisms. Wildlife has occupied a special place of veneration and preservation in various cultures of the world. 

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    Wild life is a precious gift from god for this planet to maintain a healthy ecological balance on this land animals plants and marine species are as important as humans.Every organism on this earth has a unique place in the food chain that contributes to the ecosystem on its ownway
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    Natural habitats of animals and plants are destroyed for land developement and agriculture by humans.... extinction of wild species will certainty have a fatal on the human race. So, for us as human being , it becomes a great responsibility to save wildlife, our planet, most importantly, ourselves
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    For example:?

    All things bright and?beautiful?? A?
    All creatures great and?small?? B
    All things wise and?wonderful?? A
    The Lord God made them?all. ? B

    In this poem by Cecil Alexander, the first line ends with the word ?beautiful.? Label this A. Then the next line ends with the word ?small,? which does not rhyme with beautiful, so label this line B.?

    Then, the third line ends with the word ?wonderful,? which rhymes with the last word of the first line, ?beautiful.? As such, use the same letter, A, for this line.?

    The fourth line ends with the word ?all,? which rhymes with the word ?small? in the second line. So you need to use the same letter as in the second line, B.?

    If you want to determine which rhyme scheme a poem follows, look to the last sound in the line. Label every new ending sound with a new letter. Then when the same sound occurs in the next lines, use the same letter.?If you want to determine which rhyme scheme a poem follows, look to the last sound in the line. Label every new ending sound with a new letter. Then when the same sound occurs in the next lines, use the same letter.?If you want to determine which rhyme scheme a poem follows, look to the last sound in the line. Label every new ending sound with a new letter. Then when the same sound occurs in the next lines, use the same letter.?For example:?

    All things bright and?beautiful?? A?
    All creatures great and?small?? B
    All things wise and?wonderful?? A
    The Lord God made them?all. ? B

    In this poem by Cecil Alexander, the first line ends with the word ?beautiful.? Label this A. Then the next line ends with the word ?small,? which does not rhyme with beautiful, so label this line B.?

    Then, the third line ends with the word ?wonderful,? which rhymes with the last word of the first line, ?beautiful.? As such, use the same letter, A, for this line.?

    The fourth line ends with the word ?all,? which rhymes with the word ?small? in the second line. So you need to use the same letter as in the second line, B.?

    For example:?

    All things bright and?beautiful?? A?
    All creatures great and?small?? B
    All things wise and?wonderful?? A
    The Lord God made them?all. ? B

    In this poem by Cecil Alexander, the first line ends with the word ?beautiful.? Label this A. Then the next line ends with the word ?small,? which does not rhyme with beautiful, so label this line B.?

    Then, the third line ends with the word ?wonderful,? which rhymes with the last word of the first line, ?beautiful.? As such, use the same letter, A, for this line.?

    The fourth line ends with the word ?all,? which rhymes with the word ?small? in the second line. So you need to use the same letter as in the second line, B.?

    For a coin to be magnetic, it must contain some iron. While current United States currency is not magnetic, coins from Canada, New Zealand and Israel, among others, possess magnetic properties. Hold the rare-earth magnet above the coins. If the coins are magnetic, they are attracted to the magnet.For a coin to be magnetic, it must contain some iron. While current United States currency is not magnetic, coins from Canada, New Zealand and Israel, among others, possess magnetic properties. Hold the rare-earth magnet above the coins. If the coins are magnetic, they are attracted to the magnet.For a coin to be magnetic, it must contain some iron. While current United States currency is not magnetic, coins from Canada, New Zealand and Israel, among others, possess magnetic properties. Hold the rare-earth magnet above the coins. If the coins are magnetic, they are attracted to the magnet.
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    There is a variety of wildlife in our world. Each contributes it's own importance in the balancing of nature. If efforts are not put to conserve wildlife, it will disappear and the particular population of the species decreases and becomes endangered and finally extinct. Then, the variety of wildlife will not be varied and the balance of nature is threatened. This makes the heritage of a country rich and proud to have a precious natural resource that of others. It is,therefore the duty of every citizen to conserve wildlife.
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    We need to protect wild life because we are living now because of wild life they help us so we also need to protect the wild life we are only harming the wild life not them they are not being harmful to us so please protect the wild life . ?
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    carefully maintained. This is the duty of the Humans. Humans are special

    creatures. They can think, have more complex body design, have four

    hampered heart, can speak, can cry out when pained, may have revenge

    etc.. Human brain is the most powerful weapon. The technology, which is

    brought up by human brain, should also work for other living creatures.

    Hunting, poaching etc. reduced the number of animals. Some are extincted

    due to human activities. Over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of

    flora are found in India so far. Of the estimated 47,000 plant species, about

    15,000 flowering species are endemic to India. Some estimates suggest that

    at least 10 per cent of India 's recorded wild flora and 20 per cent of its

    mammals are on the threatened list. Some of them are Cheetah, pink-headed

    duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet and plants like madhuca insignis

    and hubbardia heptaneuron.

    This beautiful planet should be protected. The species

    which are at verge of extinction should be carefully preserved and the

    deforestation level should be reduced to some extent. Let us have a look at

    these problems about this.

    Save Animals and Wild creatures!
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    Wildlife is a vital part of our ecosystem. Wildlife includes all animals and other organisms. Many animals are in the danger of extinction and strongly need to be saved. Animals add to the natural beauty of the earth. Humans? activities become a big threat to the animals. Hunting and fishing is a sport or recreation for some people. Animals get killed indiscriminately. Some people kill animals for making profits by selling their skins, meat etc. Poaching is done in some of the areas. Elephants are killed for their ivory, alligators for their skin, birds for their feathers, furs, hens for their meat. The list is non ending. Hunting of animals is not just a cruelty done to the animals but also a shameful thing. By doing this, we make loss of ourselves too. Deforestation is also one of the major causes of their extinction. As the trees are cut for fuel, timber, wood, paper, thus the forest area is getting diminished
    • 0
    We need to protect wildlife, as, many hunters and poachers are hunting and killing animals for their priceless and precious skin. The number of tigers are dramatically reducing every second, so we should build tiger reserves to protect the tigers left and make sanctuaries to protect other animals too, Any poachers spotted should be immediately reported to the police or the forest rangers of their respective area. Any poaching or hunting spotted shall be recorded or be stopped, these steps will help to save wildlife as well as, protect it. There's a need to project wildlife and it is our duty to do so, save wildlife and protect animals
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    Deforestion is killing our wildlife. Animals are going extinct. Habitats are being destroyed. There are many more reasons as to why wildlife are being put an end to. Please help protect wildlife today otherwise nature will fall apart as well as the environment.
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    The term wildlife not only coverswild animals but also accommodates all undomesticated creatures including birds, insects, plants, even microscopic organisms. To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this earth, all living creatures should be treated as important as humans.
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    1. we shouldn't cut down trees couse it the home for animals . 2.we should stop pouching couse its engarage tourist .3.should treat them with care .
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    We should protect wildlife to save ourselves
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    class 2
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    What is the best way to get the best way to get the best way
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    Sabse jivan Janwar kaun sa hai
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    The?Act?provides for the?protectionof?wild animals, birds and plants; and for matters connected there with or ancillary or incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India.
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    we need to protect wildlife wildlife is the most important thing on earth if there is no animals this no living organisms like humans
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    it is very important to save wildlife because it helps in the working of the envoronment an the beauty of the nature
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    Like forests, wildlife is also a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial from economic, recreational and aesthetic points of view. There was a time when human interference was minimum the number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation. But, with the expansion of agriculture, settlement, industrial and other developmental activities and mainly due to greed of man, the number of wild animals gradually became lesser and lesser. With the result that several species of animals have become extinct and several, others are on the verge of being so.


    Deforestation is also one of the main reasons for the loss of wildlife. Mass killings of wild animals for their meat, bones, fur, teeth, hair, skin, etc., are going on throughout the world. Therefore, the need for wildlife conservation has now become a necessity.

    Population growth, expansion of agriculture and livestock raising building of cities and roads, and pollution are among the many pressures on the natural habitat of wildlife. Along with illegal hunting, habitat reduction and its degradation has threatened the bio-diversity of the regions where these are rampant.

    Preservation of wildlife does not mean a blanket protection to all faunal and floral species; rather, it implies a proper, judicious control over the multiplication of plants and animals, which interact together to provide a proper environment to man whose very existence is in peril today.

    Due to the irrational use of natural and biotic resources of the earth in the past, most of the wildlife has been destroyed beyond retrieval. It is our urgent duty to protect the natural splendor of ecosystems and to evolve a system of co-existence with every living creature upon the earth.

    Although must countries of the world are very particular regarding conservation of wildlife, the number of wild animals is reducing day by day. World Wild Life Fund is the international agency, which is doing commendable work in promoting the protection of wildlife. There are national agencies also engaged in the conservation of wildlife.


    Some steps in the direction of wildlife conservation could be as follows:

    (i) To survey and collect all the information about wildlife, especially, their number and growth.

    (ii) To protect habitat by protecting forests.

    (iii) To delimit the areas of their natural habitat.


    (iv) To protect wildlife from pollution and from natural hazards.

    (v) To impose complete restriction on hunting and capturing of wildlife.

    (vi) To impose restrictions on export and import of wildlife products and severe punishment to be given to those who indulge in this activity.

    (vii) To develop game sanctuaries for specific wild animals or for general world life.


    (viii) To make special arrangements to protect those species whose number is very limited.

    (ix) To develop general awareness at national and international level regarding protection of wildlife.

    (x) To adopt a system of wildlife management through trained personnel.

    India is a good example where several steps have been taken for wildlife conservation. It is a country of varied wildlife, where more than 500 types of wild animals, 2,100 types of birds and about 20,000 types of reptiles and fishes have been found. According to an estimate, in India, about 200 species of wild animals and birds have already become extinct and another 2,500 are on the verge of extinction.

    Some of them are black buck, chinkara, wolf, swamp deer, nilgai, Indian gazelle, antelope, tiger, rhinoceros, gir lion, crocodile, flamingo, pelican, bustard, white crane, grey heron, mountain quail, etc. In India, the government and NGOs are taking keen interest in the protection of wildlife. The Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 has several provisions for the conservation of wildlife.

    As many as 165 game sanctuaries and 21 national parks have been developed to protect the natural habitat and wild animals. Apart from this, a Wild Life Conservation Week is also celebrated from 7th of October every year. But still there is a long way to go in this direction.
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    There is a variety of wildlife in our world. Each contributes it's own importance in the balancing of nature. If efforts are not put to conserve wildlife, it will disappear and the particular population of the species decreases and becomes endangered and finally extinct. Then, the variety of wildlife will not be varied and the balance of nature is threatened. This makes the heritage of a country rich and proud to have a precious natural resource that of others. It is,therefore the duty of every citizen to conserve wildlife.
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    OK MAN
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    grasslands, mainly grasses are found. Trees are very few in number. Predators such as lion, tiger, etc. that feed upon other animals are commonly found in these regions. It is very easy for these predators to locate their prey in the grass. Therefore, to protect themselves from these predators, animals adapt themselves by increasing their speed. The increased speed of the animal helps the weaker animals to escape their predator, thereby protecting themselves and increasing the chances of their survival.
    • -1
    There is a variety of wildlife in our world. Each contributes it's own importance in the balancing of nature. If efforts are not put to conserve wildlife, it will disappear and the particular population of the species decreases and becomes endangered and finally extinct. Then, the variety of wildlife will not be varied and the balance of nature is threatened. This makes the heritage of a country rich and proud to have a precious natural resource that of others. It is,therefore the duty of every citizen to conserve wildlife.
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    You asked a impressive question. ????
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    We do kill other animals
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    We should protect our wildlife. Day by day forests are cutting down and plants are not put down. Animals are being hunt.
    • -2

    Wildlife conservation refer to the steps that are taken to protect and conserve wild animals and plants. Wild animals and plants are the part of the eco-system.

    Wild animals are those animals that exist without direct control of man and live independently by adopting the nature.


    Necessary steps should be taken to protect the endangered animals. Wild animal keep the nature balanced and food chain in normal stage. Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 deals with laws for protection of wildlife in India.

    • -2
    no wild life no life
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    we need to protect wildlife because they are playing a major role in survival of man. if they have became extinct , the men will also became extinct. the major threat to animal is that there  are organised poaching groups to sell the parts of different animals to get money.so do whatever things to protect wildlife. try your level best
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    best information about wildlife

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    its nice to protect animals
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    save wildlife
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    Ways to conserve energy
    • -4
    Protect wildlife
    • -4
    Its nice to protect wildlofe animals
    • -4
    very nice
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