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Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

  • Autotrophic Nutrition
    • Synthesis of food by photosynthesis, Photosynthesis equation 

    •  Leaves are the sites for the synthesis of food.
    • The green pigment called chlorophyll is present in leaves.
    •  Chlorophyll traps solar energy, which is used to prepare food from CO2 and water. Sun is the ultimate source of energy.
    •  Green plants absorb CO2 from atmosphere through tiny pores called stomata.
    •  Stomata are present on the surface of leaves.
    •  Water and minerals are absorbed from soil and are transported to leaves via tiny vessel-like structures present in roots.
    • Chlorophyll, sunlight, CO2, and water are essential raw materials for photosynthesis.
    • Carbohydrates such as starch an…

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