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Squares and Square roots

Squares of rational and decimal numbers

What is the square of 6?

We can find the square of 6 by multiplying 6 two times.

Therefore, we can write

62 = 6 × 6

∴ 62 = 36

Hence, we can say that 36 is the square of 6.

We can write the expression, “36 is the square of 6” in another way as “the square root of 36 is 6”.

Mathematically, we write it as .

Here, the symbol represents the square root.

Similarly, for 82 = 64, we write i.e., the square root of 64 is 8.

For 92 = 81, we writei.e., the square root of 81 is 9.

From the above observations, we can say that finding square root is the inverse operation of squaring.

Note: We know that, 52 = 25 and (− 5)2 = 25. Therefore, we can say that the square roots of 25 are 5 and −5. However, we generally take the positive value while writing square root of a number. Ther…

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