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Waste Water Management

  • Water is essential for life.
  • About 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. It is present as ground water, in seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, ice caps, and in atmosphere.
  • Wells, rivers, ground water reservoirs or lakes are sources of fresh water.
  • Ocean and sea water is not potable because they contain large amount of dissolved salts.
  • Water is a necessity for every form of life. It is used for domestic activities, irrigation, industrial purposes, etc.
  • 22nd March is celebrated as World Water day.




Water mixed with waste matter is known as waste water.

  1. Sewage is the wastewater carried away in sewers or drains.
  2. It is released from homes, industries, offices, hospitals, etc.
  3. It is a mixture of various contaminants, which include the following:
  • Suspended solids
  • Organic impurities such as animal waste, urine or human faeces, pesticides, kitchen waste, etc.
  • Inorganic impurities such as chemicals (nitrates, phosphates, etc.)
  • Nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen
  • Disease-causing bacteria and other microbes



  1. Water is necessary for every form of life. Clean water is the basic requirement of humans.
  2. Cleaning of wa…

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